Traducteur KIM Yeonju (Abby) à Ho Chi Minh (70000)

Service 1,99€
+ prix appel

Note : Le numéro redirige temporairement vers le téléphone de Yeonju (Abby). Il est valable 5 min après affichage.

Combinaison de traduction
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A propos de moi
I am Abby, a native Korean freelance translator. (English>Korean, 3yrs)
I can provide specialized translation in the below fields with years of working experience in the fashion and technology industries as an assistant sales manager in MNC.

• Specializing in: marketing, fashion, beauty, game, luxury goods, tourism, business, and manufacturing
• Rate: from USD 0.04 per source word
• CAT tools: SDL Trados 2021, SDL Multiterm 2021, Wordfast Pro 5, MemoQ 9, Memsource
• Daily capacity: 3,000 words (English to Korean)
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